Stop Motion Studio for Windows

Edit your movie

Delete, Copy, Paste and more.

If you shot a frame you don’t like or one that jiggled, you can easily delete it. Or you want to copy and paste frames, add a text, paint on it. All of those options can be reached from the frame edit menu.

  1. While in the movie editor, right click or click while holding the Control ⌃ key on a frames thumbnail in the frame-by-frame editor to open the frame edit menu.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Tap to set the capture frames position.
    • Tap to pause or freeze the frame.
    • Tap to add or edit the audio clip attached to the frame.
    • Tap to edit a frames image. You can crop and adjust the image, draw on it or add text.
    • Tap to use the Magic Eraser to erase unwanted parts from the frames image.
    • Tap to merge multiple frames to simulate movement.
    • Tap to cut selected frames.
    • Tap to copy the selected frames into the clipboard.
    • Tap to paste frames from the clipboard into the movie.
    • Tap to reverse the selected frames.
    • Tap to delete all selected frames.
    • Tap to undo an operation.
    • Tap to redo an operation.

Tip: Reverse, cut, copy, delete and pause can be used on multiple images at once. Hold down the Shift key ⇧ to while selecting frames.