Stop Motion Studio

Watch and Share Your Movie

Export All Images

If you’re looking to export all the images you captured in your project as a sequentially ordered and numbered list, such as FRAME-00001.jpg, FRAME-00002.jpg, and so forth, you can easily do so from Stop Motion Studio. This feature proves invaluable if you plan to continue editing or processing your animation in other software applications like Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe After Effects.

How to Export All Images:

  1. Access Your Project: Touch and hold the project you wish to export images from in the project browser. On a desktop device, right-click on the desired project.

  2. Share the Project: Select the “Share” option (represented by the share icon).

  3. Choose Export Option: From the sharing options, select “All Images” to receive a zip file containing all the project’s images.

  4. Commence Export: Tap “Next” to initiate the export process.

  5. Grant Device Access: If prompted, allow access to your device.

  6. Select Destination: Choose the destination folder and specify the desired file name for the exported images.

Once the export is complete, you’ll have a series of images, each labeled with sequential numbers. This sequential labeling ensures compatibility with other editing or processing software, enabling seamless integration of your Stop Motion Studio project with professional editing tools. You can then leverage these exported images to further refine and enhance your animation in various editing environments.