Stop Motion Studio

Shoot Your Movie

Selecting the Optimal Camera Mode

Before you start the capture of your initial frames, take a moment to select the camera mode that best fits your preferences. Choose a mode that aligns with your comfort level. While a fully automatic mode may be ideal for beginners, it could result in a movie with heightened light flickering.

  • Automatic (AUTO): Designed for users seeking a simplified and automatic approach, AUTO mode automatically adjusts camera settings like exposure, focus, and white balance. Ideal for beginners who prefer a hassle-free experience, but may result in heightened light flickering.

  • Automatic Locked (AL): In AL mode, users can manually set exposure while the camera automatically adjusts other settings. This mode offers control over brightness while allowing the camera to handle other adjustments. Focus remains locked on the target in this mode.

  • Program (P): P mode is a semi-automatic mode where the camera controls ISO and shutter, while users can manually adjust other settings. It strikes a balance between automation and manual control, allowing customization while maintaining some automation. Focus remains locked on the target in this mode.

  • Manual (M): Providing full manual control over camera settings including ISO, shutter, focus, and white balance, Manual mode is ideal for experienced users seeking precise control over every aspect of image capture. It offers complete customization tailored to specific preferences, with focus controlled manually.

You can choose the camera mode that aligns with your level of expertise and desired level of control during the stop-motion animation creation process. Beginners may find AUTO mode convenient, while more experienced users may prefer the flexibility of AL, P, or Manual modes for greater customization.

TIP: When using a DSLR camera use full manual mode for best results.

Depending on your device’s camera hardware, manual camera mode may not be available.